Friday, January 26, 2007

Nothing and Everything Else

This is a post I made at a forum about the paranormal.

link here:

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Nothing exists in this universe as far as mathematics is concerned. We are all made up of nothing. Empty space. The particles that make up our bodies take up trillionths of the volume we represent. When compared to the size of the universe, all of the matter within equals zero by all mathematical measurements. We are basically sealed containers of energy and even that is literally non-existant. As far as I'm concerned, we aren't even here. "We", or our souls/spirits, are bound to a web of consciousness that pervades all of God's creation and our spirits are further bound to the tiny little sub-atomic particles that make up our physical bodies. You could practically say that what we see as reality is a hallucination to our spiritual self. If we could figure out a way to escape the hold this mirage has on our souls (as some of us claim to have done, even if the significance is infinitesimally miniscule), we could become the masters of our world. Fortunately, God has made our view so closed-minded (yes, you "open-minded" people are just as blind and ignorant as the skeptics you so ridicule) that this is, for all intensive purposes, impossible. I have no doubt that the ability to control things outside our representative avatar is possible, but to the extent that we are truly capable of? No.

Sorry to rain on all you cheery folks parades, but we truly are nothing. There is no reason to live other than to seek the most desirable spot next to our God upon release from these bonds. Our spirit will be free to live amongst other souls in the web and commune with the Lord. I believe my Saviour was the person most capable of breaking the bonds of his containment. This was due to his real connection with God from birth and the continual guidance from the vast web of knowledge that only he could see. I have no doubt in my mind that the Old Testament prophets and Jesus' disciples were at least partially free and thus were able to influence matter outside their bodies. To end on a high note, I think that everyone has the ability to preform telekinesis and telepathy and other paranormal acts. It's just a matter of breaking loose from these chains and opening up to the wider web, realizing that what we see is all an illusion and that everything is really nothing.

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