Monday, September 25, 2006

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

My wrist recovered from a nasty hit I took while practicing American football.

The emergency room doctor that examined the x-rays taken thought I had chipped a piece of my radius off, when in actuality it was just a horrible sprain. My wrist grew about 5 inches in circumference within seconds of the hit.

Anyway, I can obviously type again and soon I'll be posting some more crazy things.
There will be less theories, but that will be made up for with stories, both true and fictional.
I will probably also post my animations up here and any ideas I have for, say games or fictional universes might end up here.

I have no idea what's to come in future post since I still haven't decided exactly what I want this blog to be about.

Keep a look out for my changing sigs,

0621774 (1 5ux0rz @ teh 1337 t4lk)


  1. happy 2 hear that :p

  2. Thank you to both of you.
    And that news at SCC is pretty nice, db. ^_^

  3. you REALLY REALLY need to get an Im, AOL MSN, im really serious, do it. or check the easytoon place cause i wish for you to be my master... i want you to mentor me.- Jeremy (AKA blizzardstick)
