Monday, September 11, 2006

Humans and Miracles

There are many, many reports of miracles being done across the world over an immense amount of time. In the Bible, there are hundreds of miracles reported.
There are also many reports, (mostly modern), of people having superhuman or supernatural powers.

Like usual, I was thinking, "There HAS to be a way to explain these things away....", so I came up with a new, poorly thought-out theory. ^_^

I think that anything God does in the universe must obey laws that can be observed by science in some sort of way. This view is used by many other christians, except in the realm of holy miracles. There should be an explanation for how God is able to use men to perform incredible feats such as turning water into wine, parting the Red Sea and healing the terminally ill and blind.
The only way I see Him doing this is through some inherent power within us all that normally only the Lord has the ability to tap into. Since so many people believe they have the powers of telekinesis, telepathy, precognition, remote viewing, etc., there must be at least some partial truth to it.
I think God allowed us to use these abilities in times of great need or spiritual enlightenment. This is why so many monks, (of all faiths I might add), have reported the "spontaneous" occurrences of things such as flying, speaking in unfamiliar tongues(languages), healing the sick, learning of events in the future, and so on, and so forth.
This hidden treasure of manipulation is obviously not something God wished us to toy with, but He also understood that we'd inevitably try when Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Now, I am in no way advocating the experimentation with anything paranormal, because God knows how many disguised evils hide in that world. Ouija boards, for example, are a pathway to possession and chancing your luck by repeating phrases in mirrors at midnight will most likely leave you with a demon on your shoulder, literally. Either that or you'll have nightmares for the rest of your life.

**Warning!**: Do NOT apply any of this post to your current beliefs or lifestyle without taking it into very careful consideration. I would hate to be called up one day when an idiot's death points to this log or something. If you decide to become Satanic, never look at this blog ever again.......

Hugs and kisses,


  1. I like the way you put this, you seem to know what your talking about. I like it, like i said. and i really like it. <- WTF, well yeah you get the point.

  2. Thank you, but the key word in there is "seem". haha
    I just know big words and how to use them, and when I think of some crazy ass idea like the four I have so far, I use that ability to SEEM as convincing as possible.
    Then I go ahead and ruin it by saying I don't believe this BS at all! hahaha
