Multiverses and miniverses
I've been fascinated about these thoughts for a while.
What if there were universes that never expanded like our own is even now? and,
What if there were two universes that overlapped each other on the same frequency?
I would call the "answer" to number one a miniverse. This "dimension" would be a kind of bubble in which an entire set of laws would be kept and all types of matter, anti-matter, space, etc., etc would exist.
The ideal miniverse would be a universe frozen shortly after it's "Big Bang", with all the matter concentrated around the center. A kind of planet would have formed, and if the laws of physics were at all similar to our own, the planet would have gravity and satellites would form around it. Some type of light would exist, probably bouncing off of the edge of the miniverse, something our own universe lacks. This edge would illuminate the entire dimension and it would most likely look like a mirror.
Photons would behave much better in this land than in our own, since there would be only a few forces acting upon them and they would most likely refract more easily. I would imagine more colors in this "place" as well. If we ever found a wormhole leading to a miniverse, we could harness the limited space and use the "planet" as a type of impenetrable human stronghold.
I think a miniverse would also be easily affected by intelligent thought and human souls since there wouldn't be any there and with the small amount of matter and the unfinished laws, the miniverse would absorb any new ideas and apply them to all the matter within.
Now for multiverses.
A universe is basically a humongous bubble of space and matter, dark and light. This matter needs forces in order to function correctly, and different universes probably have different set of rules, however slight the differences may be. There are probably an infinite amount of universes but we only see our own because we function at a certain "frequency". All of the universes probably intersect each other and move around inside other universes all the time. The reason we don't see anything from other universes is because the matter is functioning on a different "frequency", though the atoms may be billionths of a micron apart.
If two universes somehow functioned at the same frequency, however, what would happen? I think there would be a vast section of each universe in which both of the sets of laws from the two universes would coexist and randomly apply to the space, time and matter therein. If one universe had gravity and the other had some type of alien force, then at any moment the two forces could take over where the other one left off. If you've ever seen a Venn diagram before then imagine it in 3D and you probably have an idea of what I'm talking about.
Another idea is that maybe neither of the universes' laws of physics would apply and an entirely new set of rules would control everything happening in the shared space. This space could contract or expand independently of either universe and a spaceship travelling across the "border" could very well find itself turned into a lawn gnome, or maybe a blue dwarf star. Noone can imagine what new laws of physics would appear, since noone has the imagination to think of any laws of physics other than our own, or variations thereof.
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did,
NOTE: Blah, blah, boulauw... don't believe any of these crap unless you are a professor of physics and for some reason find these theories plausible, in which case would you please contact me via e-mail so we can work out a way for my name to get into a noteworthy science textbook or research paper. ^_^
that actually made lots of sense...i dunno why u dont belive in any of the stuff u say cause so far everything you said i belive your belife in hell that made lots of sense it's true if hell was in the middle of our earth, wouldnt earth itself be hell?